Ready to sign up?
Here's what all recruits can expect at Base Camp Z:
30 minutes archery training and practice with qualified instructors; all equipment and safety gear provided
30 minutes pistol training and practice with qualified instructors; all equipment and safety gear provided
Two timed runs through our challenging, immersive zombie-infested 'survival maze', which includes both archery and pistol shooting. Each run will last about 5-10 (very intense!) minutes.
Make your own Damper bread and cook it over an open fire; add a selection of extra ingredients ranging from the familiar (e.g. chocolate and dried fruit) to the more apocalyptic (a selection of edible insects!)
Have a go in our zombie-themed video game 'tent'... and much more!
Oh no! Base Camp Z is taking a break! The pandemic has forced us to search for a new HQ. We hope to be back in 2023.
We suggest you stock up your camp and hunker down for the autumn and winter... If you'd like to be notified of our next event, let us know your email address below: